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New Chicago Mercantile Exchange Micro eMini Stock Indexes Tracked and Analyzed by Vantagepoint
Vantagepoint’s Artificial Intelligence provides insight into this new asset class with its highly accurate predictive forecasting so traders can jump into trading immediately with confidence.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has created a new class of Micro eMini Futures Contracts and Vantagepoint’s Artificial Intelligence software is already tracking and analyzing this new type of futures.
Vantagepoint AI is the software company that developed the first artificial intelligence (AI) trading software in the world available to retail investors and traders.
The CME recognized the need for a better entry point for traders interested in the convenience of futures trading but not interested in the big risks or hefty financial requirements that come with it.
In response, the CME recently launched its Micro eMini stock index contracts on the Dow Jones Industrials, Nasdaq, S&P 500 and the Russell 2000 and Vantagepoint is already accurately forecasting for them. This move marks an evolution in the decades-old futures market giving smaller retail investors and traders interested in trading the stock market indexes access to trading at a much lower price point.
Stock Indexes are futures contracts that allow investors to buy or sell a financial index today to be settled at a date in the future. Each of these bite-sized contracts is 1/10th the size of the traditional E-mini versions and 1/10th the cost! For instance, the E-mini S&P 500 is valued at $50 a point the micro E-mini version is valued at only $5 a point.
Vantagepoint traders using artificial intelligence can use these micro stock market indexes as trading vehicles in and of themselves as well as use them to confirm their stock trades since they are a derivative of the stock indexes.
These smaller contracts mean newer traders can start to develop the confidence and accuracy in their trading by simply following the patented artificial intelligence analysis that has been functioning extremely well for close to three decades.
This is a groundbreaking and very exciting trading opportunity for smaller traders.
Trading futures is no longer only for those with large trading accounts, high tolerance to risk, or both. Smaller accounts seeking higher amounts of leverage will find what they are looking for in the CME’s new Micro eMini stock index futures. These Micro eMini contracts also offer traders a new means of portfolio diversification, flexible risk management and around-the-clock access. Since their release in May 2019, Micro Futures already have traded over 400,000 contracts in a day – a clear indication of how popular this asset class is. (It’s important to note that because of the high leverage of trading futures, it is possible to lose more money than you initially invested.)
Vantagepoint Software is constantly evolving to help traders use artificial intelligence to better their trading results. While it may sound to good to be true, artificial intelligence can reliably and accurately predict the market. Vantagepoint Software users enjoy a window into the market’s future usually 1, 2, and 3 days before trends begin to move. Learn more about Ai here.
As the CME responds to the needs of traders, Vantagepoint is applying their decades of success and accuracy to this innovation in trading. Smaller traders now have an excellent gateway into trading futures at lower risk, and Vantagepoint provides intelligence with up to 87.4% accuracy to help them trade smarter and profit more.