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The Hot Stocks Outlook uses VantagePoint’s market forecasts that are up to 87.4% accurate, demonstrating how traders can improve their timing and direction. In this week’s video, VantagePoint Software reviews forecasts for SPDR SPY($SPY), GE Aerospace ($GE), HUMANA ($HUM), Seagate Technology ($STX), APPLE ($AAPL), Las Vegas Sands ($LVS), CDW ($CDW)

VantagePoint A.I. Hot Stocks Outlook for January 24, 2025
Hello again, traders, and welcome back to the Hot Stocks Outlook for January 24th, 2025. I hope you all had an excellent week out there in the financial markets. As always, we’re going to take a look at the most recent Vantage Point A.I. predictive forecast. If you haven’t already, make sure you go ahead and click on the link down in the description below. You’ll get signed up for a live demonstration so you can learn all the specifics about how these predictive technologies are helping traders make better trading decisions out in the marketplace.

This week, I figure we jump right into some of the most recent forecasts here, and we’ll start here with GE Aerospace ($GE). This is a really good example of how all of these predictive indicators work together. One of the first things that you’re going to notice is there is a black and a blue line right up against all of this price data. What these are is daily bars and candles, so all the predictive technologies work off of end-of-day data. All those candles represent a full and complete trading day. What we have right up against that price data is this black line and blue line value. The black line is actually a simple moving average. This is a very common technical analysis tool. In this case, it’s a 10-period, so it takes the last 10 close prices, adds them all together, and then divides by that number.
Vantage Point users utilize that level really as a baseline, right, to let us know where market prices have been because all that data is lagging. It really comes from previous closes, so it’s really just summarizing what’s already occurred in the marketplace. What we’re able to do is compare that to this proprietary predicted moving average. For this number to get calculated and plotted—essentially a future price plotted on the chart every evening—well, this is where the technology of artificial neural networks comes in. They’re performing what we would call intermarket analysis. So, what that means is that rather than just looking at past prices, Vantage Point’s tools are looking at other markets that are known to drive and influence future prices.
This can be things like other individual stocks or ETF groups within the corresponding sector, or also stocks that may not share an obvious relationship but are valuable to producing an accurate forecast. It’s also able to look at things like the S&P 500, the Futures, or even commodities like gold and oil, whatever is relevant to that particular market. It may look at even things down to interest rates and even global currencies where it’s applicable. It’s taking this global approach to generate these highly accurate predictions and using really the most relevant data sets, those other markets that are sharing market relationships.
Whenever we see that blue line in this case cross above the black line, what it’s suggesting is that average prices are going to start moving higher, and traders would therefore maybe look to take a long position in agreement with their strategy here. So, we see, you know, since that forecast has come through on GE Aerospace, we got about a 20% rally here in 21 trading days, obviously assisted here by this boost in earnings. What’s really nice about the Vantage Point software is we have these other predictive tools that really help traders fine-tune their entries, and even before this earnings announcement, maybe getting a very solid cushion going into that event there.
So what we can observe here is if you look at the bottom of the chart, you see this bar here that goes from green to red and back to green. Well, this is the Vantage Point predicted neural index, and it’s tuned to solve a different problem for traders. It’s not looking at the overall trend direction but just short-term strength over a 48-hour window, or you could think of that as really a couple of trading days moving forward. And so, you’ll notice that within the uptrend, when that neural index goes bearish, you tend to get some subsequent weak price action, and that can alert traders to know that, okay, well maybe when I’ve been, you know, add to the position, buying on a dip but understand that the overall trend is up, but we’re just getting some short-term weakness over that corresponding time period.
Lastly, we’re actually provided with a Vantage Point predicted high and low, so this really takes it to intraday, right? Not the overall trend, not 48 hours, but really intraday levels that help traders establish a position, take profit targets, even set stop losses. And so you see here as the market moves down towards these predicted lows, that neural index gets bearish, saying, “Hey, look down towards these predicted low levels. If you have an order, you’re just going to get filled at the open.” Again, a level here to take a position. Multiple days we are hitting the predicted low before we really start to accelerate, and that momentum kicks into the marketplace. This is how traders are adjusting their position sizes, um, and uh, making sure they’re around for when these big rallies really kick off here.
So there’s been a lot of very strong stocks in the marketplace, along with a little bit of weakness, and some underperformers like Apple ($AAPL) and Las Vegas Sands, which we looked at in previous occasions.

But here in a lot of the healthcare and insurance stocks here, we have Humana ($HUM). Blue Line crossing above the black line, and we get this period of just sideways price action, right? So you know you’re in an uptrend, but neural index is bearish, and you really just don’t get anywhere. Once that neural index gets bullish, you see the momentum really kicks back into the marketplace, and things accelerate. Again here, neural index bearish, you get a couple of down days where the price action is lower than where that prediction came through, but overall the trend here is up. And of course, we’ll take a look at the overall move here: about a 15% rally on, you know, Humana here, right? So this is a, you know, not an exciting penny stock or anything like that, but some substantial gains to be made over the past 18 trading days. And again, we can take a look at those Vantage Point predicted highs and lows, which of course are going to really fine-tune things as we see excellent entries for this market really kicks up.
And one of the great things about artificial intelligence is its ability to adapt, right? So it takes in all this data, understands where the close is, and you actually see this prediction of the predicted high and low slanting lower, right? It’s letting you know that even within this short-term time frame, expect lower prices. We get that, now it’s saying expect this market to go a little bit lower here, that neural index had gotten bearish, but overall the trend is up. You really want to look to be a buyer in the market. And then we see as that neural index gets bullish again, momentum kicking back into the market, and shares moving significantly higher there. So really nice move, 15% as of today, but still in that uptrend position.

Here’s Seagate Technology ($STX). Seagate technology, and again, a really straightforward forecast. Blue Line crossing above the black line, neural index bullish, and again, you see these periods where the overall trend is up, but you may get some consolidation and sideways price action. Once those things correct, you start to see that momentum really kick back into the market. So this has been a really fantastic opportunity here in Seagate shares up now over 22% in just 13 trading days, right?

So we’ve seen the indices just grind up, and everything goes higher. Generally, when the S&P is moving higher in the NASDAQ, that’s good for things like Apple ($AAPL), but right now, there’s a lot of other areas that are a lot more interesting on the bullish side.
So you see here in Apple, we get that Blue Line crossing below the black line. We keep bringing this through week after week because it’s just, you know, emblematic of how Vantage Point can really direct the attention to where the more profitable opportunities are, especially on the bullish side here. Here, you know, if we get that Blue Line crossing above the black line, well maybe there’ll be an opportunity. We, you have earnings coming up as well, but recently this is a stock you just wanted to avoid, especially if you’re doing some shorter-term trading. Shares off about 11% just in the past 15 trading days.
So, you know, the difference between Apple and Seagate there, one going up 15, one going down 11, so that can make a big difference as far as your overall portfolio. Again, we can look at these predicted highs and lows, and we get these multiple periods where it’s like, look, you don’t want to be long up at these most recent predicted lows, and if you’re get involved in a trend trade, potentially those early entries, getting involved in that decline in the share price pretty early, or potentially trading some options to hedge yourself, right?

Las Vegas Sands ($LVS), this is another area where there’s some market weakness. Blue line below the black line, neural index bearish, and this has just continued to move lower and lower. And so you see also shares like Wynn Resorts, a lot of those correlated stocks also doing very poorly. Just this last week, moving up towards these predicted highs
and then going lower, Las Vegas Sands really responding negatively to that earnings announcement. And overall, we can see shares off a good bit now. So this was actually one of those stocks that did really well last summer and going into the fall. A lot of Chinese stocks did really well, but right now is not the time to be positioned here. Shares off about 19% just in the last 26 trading days.

And lastly, just a very straightforward tech forecast here from CDW ($CDW). Blue Line crossing above the black line, look at this neural index again, just position saying, “Look, there’s some strength here every single day.” You don’t even want to expect those dips in the market. Just expect some strength. And again, we look at those Vantage Point predicted lows in this case to get on the bullish side, and you just see multiple entries as this market just goes higher and higher. And the overall strength of the market again, this responding very well, and positioned well as we see the overall move here, you know, up about 12% just in about 12 trading days. So, you know, there’s really some exciting opportunities out here, but, you know, if you’re looking at the indices and thinking, “Hey, Apple should start moving higher,” well, this is where Vantage Point can be really helpful to say where those stronger opportunities are, what are likely to benefit from those intermarket relationships that drive and influence the future price of a lot of individual equities and markets out there.
So, once again, this has been our Hot Stocks Outlook for January 24th, 2025. Thank you all for watching. Best of luck out there, and bye for now.