VantagePoint Trading Software is a forecasting tool that uses both end of day data and artificial intelligence to provide traders a forecast of market movement. These forecasts are 1-3 days in advance and help traders improve their timing on making trades and maximizing profit potential. The artificial intelligence software forecasts market movement for stocks, futures, Forex, ETFs and Cryptocurrencies. Automatic Data Processing, ADP stock, is in focus today…
This journal entry looks at the recent market movements of ADP Stock. NASDAQ: ADP
VantagePoint Trading Journal ADP Stock
A few big investment firms weighed in on the future for U.S. equities over the President’s Day weekend. BlackRock upgraded its outlook for U.S. stocks on earnings momentum, Citi said there was “no equity bear market, but more corrections may be in sight,” and Morgan Stanley stated the recent share slide was the “appetizer, not the main course.”
Thanks to the tools we have with VantagePoint, we can let the software (and not the investment firms) do the forecasting for us. We can use the artificial intelligence forecasting software to analyze markets at all levels. Whether you are looking for individual stocks, futures or ETFs, stock sector rotations, or broad indexes like the S&P, Dow, and the Russell, VantagePoint can easily compile that data. A compelling indication of upside or downside momentum is something that I would take seriously on a trading day like today. Let’s take a look at Automatic Data Processing (NASDAQ: ADP).
Strategy Discussion
If one were a straight stock trader, simply buying ADP stock in the $116.25 area could prove to be prudent. You are anticipating a move to the upside. It’s also a conservative way to enter ADP without the limitation of time associated with other strategies. It would also be good practice to place a sell-stop order in the $110.00 area to mitigate potential losses.
For more active traders, consider a setup utilizing options. Given the market conditions outlined above, taking an active, premium debit approach may be the best path to success.
The purchase of a debit call spread may be one way to approach this situation. The first thing you want to determine is your target price. To do this, you need the current price, expiration date and at-the-money volatility for that timeframe. This calculation yields a target price of approximately $121.00. One could consider the potential opportunity of the regular March monthly expiration 119/121 call vertical paying $0.35. This has a maximum risk of what you paid for the spread or $0.35. The maximum reward is the width of the spread less any premium paid or $2.00 – $0.35 = $1.65. This gives us a reward to risk ratio of 4.71:1.
Given the trading and market environment outlined above, a trader must evaluate whether this reward/risk ratio is appropriate for his/her risk tolerance.
Use smart software to your advantage
VantagePoint Software uses the power of Artificial Intelligence. Traders use this to predict market direction and strength 1-3 days in advance with up to 87.4% accuracy. With deep learning using neural networks, VantagePoint shows you what the market is going to do. Not what it’s already done. Request a personalized demonstration of VantagePoint Software today. Learn why more than 25,000 traders trust the software, which helps them achieve trading success.